Yard of the Week?
sponsored by:
Camden RV Park
Tips for Success
Yard of the Week – How to Make the
Contest Succeed
the first year, police support is important to the contest success.
Establishing “good will” is the ticket to the beginning,
for often, neighborhood residents have little reason to “trust”
- Tax map sheets are available through your
county tax office, with street addresses of all households in
neighborhoods selected for contest implementation. Develop a database
of these addresses for mailing contest announcement notices to
residents. First notice should be sent mid-March.
- Kinko’s does our printing and Fast
Signs does our signs. Copies of materials and designs for signs
are available to you for easy duplication.
- A couple magnetic car signs bearing the
Yard of the Week name should be made to attach to
the vehicle(s) driven by the Contest Coordinator. This will not
only serve to promote the Contest, but will make the vehicle easily
identifiable to residents.
- Encourage all winners at all levels to
display signs throughout the remainder of the contest years. This
helps contest recognition and promotion and builds desire among
residents to become winners! Its like a mini diploma.
- A neighborhood celebration like a block
party or cookout in a common area is a great way to promote unity
and support for the YOTW Contest for the next year.
- Be patient! Not much happens until midway
through the first contest year of judging. Then it catches on
like wild fire!