WHY Yard of the Week?

sponsored by:
Camden RV Park



YOTW Contest Overview

Contest is for: Those yards that appear “best” based on financial ability and effort.
Areas: Neighborhoods with an over looked appearance, high in crime, low in hope.
Time of year: Mid May to mid July (8 weeks)
Yard Signs:
  • 1st Most Green Thumb, 2nd, 3rd
  • 1st Most Natural Yard, 2nd, 3rd
  • 1st Most Tender Loving Care, 2nd, 3rd
  • Honorable Mention
Awards: Ten gold dollars per winner
Neighborhood: 250 to 350 houses, known as a neighborhood
Cost: $2,500 per contest, per year or about $2.50 per person per year
People Needed: One person to head it up, a couple of people to help judge the yards
Other People: People who want a neighborhood to change, some 250 to 300 neighbors
Potential Supporters: Civic Clubs, Churches, Commercial sponsors, individuals